Empty Tomb Rolls

Great symbolic dessert recipe for Easter! Perfect for sharing the gospel at the dinner table or a fun Sunday school demonstration!

Symbolism of Empty Tomb Rolls:

  • Large marshmallows – body of Jesus
  • Crescent roll – the wrapping of Jesus’ body or the tomb.
  • Melted Butter – oils of embalming
  • Cinnamon and sugar mix- spices used to anoint Christ’s body.
  • Oven – the tomb
  • Cavity in bun – the empty tomb or the empty cloths


  1. Open a roll. Dip marshmallow in butter. Roll marshmallow in sugar/cinnamon mix, place on the narrow part of the triangle. Proceed to roll from narrowest point to widest. Pinch dough around marshmallow, sealing all edges, or all the marshmallow will escape.
  2. Dip tops of dough into remaining butter and cinnamon-sugar.
  3. Place with sugar side on parchment paper on a cookie sheet.
  4. Repeat steps 1-4 with all rolls.
  5. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes, until golden brown.

Hallelujah the tomb is empty, Jesus is RISEN!